So why am I crushed under this brute of a burden...this test, this trial? Why can't I let go?
It has been said that there's beauty in the broken...then I must be nearly gorgeous by now...I say that with laughter falling out of my mouth and a tear running down my cheek. I'm hurting and I'm pushing and I'm fighting with all that I have...just to walk, to hold, to MAKE it. Listing out my life no longer helps. It doesn't ease the stresses of this season. Let's be honest...this valley that I am in.
I post this because there are those that are in this with me. There are those that have been WORKING like a BOSS to fire their own hell. They've tried to pass it onto God, and it keeps coming back...
HE is faithful...but what happens when we're not? When our spouse is not, our family is not, our surroundings are not? To be honest, which is hard sometimes...especially times like do you hang on, when God has GOT YOU...but life, and people, have got it OUT for you?
I am tired of hiding scars...these are things that others can read and walk away from feeling least that's what I hope for. This song says it best:
Praise God we don't have to hide scars
They just strengthen our wounds, and soften our hearts.
They remind us of where we have been, but not who we are
So praise God, praise God we don't have to hide scars
and the song adds..."yeah we know HIS are covering ours..."-Johnny Diaz
I know that God will carry me...drag me, until I believe that it ALL works out for His good will...
If you're walking with me, be of good courage, you aren't doing it alone....God's right here and so am I.
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