Sunday, October 2, 2011


What do you do when you feel like a failure?

Maybe it was yelling at the kids...maybe it was not cooking dinner right...maybe it was epic...

So what do you do?
I retreat.
I find myself, telling myself, that it isn't worth the hassle.
I find myself completely overwhelmed.
I find myself clawing at the notion that I can make it out and away from these emotions.
I find myself quite incapacitated by it all.

This is what I know I NEED to do.

I need a "Mary Moment".
Time to sit in the sunshine and shake off the cobwebs in my mind.
I need to quiet the chaos that surrounds me.
I need to feel that my heart is protected by THE Protector.
I need to feel Him wipe away the ache of my soul.

So that is where I am, for this moment.
Tyring to realize that we are NOT at all perfect.
That my failings are exactly that, and no more.
That forgiveness is as far as the East is from the West.
That life will go on.

Epic failure or not, He created me.
and in the wonderful words stated long ago from a beautiful child....
"God don't make no junk"