Friday, September 21, 2012

A Fragrance...

Have you ever been walking somewhere...when all of a sudden you smell something, the fragrance of lilacs; the aroma of sizzling bacon; the bouquet of a fine wine; the perfume of roses; the redolence of fresh coffee; the scent of newly mown hay...and it smells like...

an old boyfriend/girlfriend...
a walk in the leaves...
a holiday that you love...

It's amazing what a simple smell can do to our senses...

I want to be a fragrance to God. I want Him to literally "smell" me as I walk around. That sounds funny doesn't it? It's truth though, I want to be so close to Him that every move I make...and everywhere that I go...HIS presence lingers...

I want HIS aroma, brought in by me fill a room without ever having to say a word. I want people to take a deep breath when their around me and FEEL refreshed from the purity of the air....

I'm not there yet. Actually...I think there is "air restoration" where I'm concerned...but I am trying. My heart is there, my soul is there...I just need to have my actions follow.

2Corinthians 2:15 says..."For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;"

I want to be a smell that draws people to Him.....without stench will be lingering...with God...I will be a sweet aroma to those around me. I want the breaking of my alabaster box to be the richest perfume me Lord.

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