Thursday, October 4, 2012

Milk...It does a body good?

Have you ever grabbed a gallon of milk, poured some fresh coldness into a big cup, sat down in your favorite spot, tipped the cup back...and....BLECH, SOUR MILK! The taste is so horrendous that you run to the nearest sink and spit it out?

I've done that before.

Actually, I've spewed a little sour milk in my day.....but it was the verbal kind. I thought I could handle things, thought that I could sit down and get comfortable, only to realize that what was in my "cup" didn't taste like it appeared. It was downright disgusting.

Have you ever done that?

I sometimes think where our greatest talents lie, there also can be our greatest failures. Messes. Sour-ness.

I'm a verbal person. For those that know me, they just rolled their eyes as that's quite the understatement. Yet, with that tongue can bring about life or death.....Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat it's fruit."

So, with knowing that, if I take it literally...then when I face the challenges I face...I need to visualize myself taking a big whopping SWIG of that sour milk...every time I yell, take someone apart verbally, curse, throw out insults...and I need to remember that if I drink that junk all day long...eventually I will die.

That's only half of the impact that this situation holds. The other half is the filth that I am POURING OUT on other people.

Every time I take that cup...I have a choice.

I have failed miserably. I have been wretched, and caused others to wretch because of my words...I no longer want to do that. I want to refresh, to be the choice drink in God's chalice, if you will. I want to be the same on the inside of the gallon as I am on the outside.

I choose life.

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