Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He SINGS for me..... the depth of this much to process through...

Zephaniah 3:17
"The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.”

He is with me.
When I have felt ever so far away from Him...His heart and His grace...He has been wooing me into a warm embrace....

He IS my...yes MY Mighty Warrior.
He FIGHTS for me...not just fights...He SLAYS for me...the enemy that rushes in with hungry jaws wide open, is cut to the quick by His strong arm of battle...

He DELIGHTS in me.
Like when I held my babies...I looked at them and every move that they made...every noise that ushered from their lips, every facial expression...I DELIGHTED in He does with me...His child....

He doesn't hold my screw-ups against me.
I will never be good enough. I will never be perfect. I will never get to that place where I stop sinning and hanging my head in shame...but there He sits. With a basin of "CLEAN" to pour all over me...He washes me, holds me close, and sends me back out into the world. He doesn't remember that which He has so graciously forgiven.....

He REJOICES over me...with SINGING.
Then, as if all that were not enough...He SINGS over me...not just sings...He sings with a SMILE...from ear to ear...from soul to soul...from heart to heart...he REJOICES over me, and sings.

Wow. I am amazed. Totally amazed at how good He is. He sings for me.

This makes my heart whole, this makes my heart happy...this seals my soul with goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I love this verse, too, Vincy! :)

    The paradox of our "mighty warrior" God sweetly and gently (how I picture it) "singing" over us is almost too much to take in. We cannot even begin to fathom all of the facets of His battle-ready-gentle-daddy character.

    Thank you for the lovely reminder in this post, my friend!

    Blessings and love,
