Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I am beyond challenged...and now I am trying to figure out what to do with the gauntlet that was thrown down...
When I am faced with thinking I am right, and then being told that I am wrong...there has to be some "looking inward" that takes place. Am I leading the way I should? Are my actions held to a higher level..or have I fallen into the ditches of justification?

In my case, that's exactly when I start to look up...

Here is what matters, REALLY matters in I doing what is right in the sight of God? Am I making Him happy by what I do? It's all pointless if I cannot say yes to these questions..

I think the process of finding out the answer is the hardest part. I will though, and I will move forward with Him by my side...


  1. Wow! I am on this very same walk! But... You have put it into prospective for me.

  2. Wow Vincey, your own cool blog!!! How cool are you? try tootally way cool, ultimate cool, like people who think they are cool cannot handle the ultimate coolness you drop! like that cool, k? This is good stuff, I just don't want you to be soo tough on yourself, the world will take care of that for you, but it is good to keep a short account with your self and God.I'm just saying, be willing to extend grace, to yourself! Lova you kiddo

  3. This is the right attitude, Vincy, and one that the Lord will bless. He will unfailingly shine enough light for the next step when we truly want to hear His answer. You'll learn so much in this process of introspection and listening in stillness; it's one way (I've found, anyway) that He prepares us for other forks in the road.

    Waving and smiling,

